Canolfan S4C Yr Egin

Yr Egin is a digital and creative hub at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Carmarthen.

Anchored by S4C’s headquarters, the 3,700 square metre first phase of the development is also home to a range of other companies working within the creative sector, including multi-media publishing and digital technology; digital education; video production and photography; post production; graphic design; translation and sub-titling.

Canolfan S4C Yr Egin – which also includes an auditorium, editing suites, a large performance area and a café - offers a varied programme of events, workshops, talks and screenings for members of the public as well as those working in the creative and digital industries.

Yr Egin’s main objectives are to stimulate further investment and economic growth in Carmarthenshire and beyond, and to inspire and revitalise a variety of social and community groups across the Swansea Bay City Region.

Yr Egin will also create an exciting cultural hub for the digital and creative industries, while promoting the status of the Welsh language and Welsh culture.

A second phase of the development is being planned, which will deliver a state-of-the-art, hybrid digital co-working space allowing for cross-sector engagement between established businesses in West Wales and future SMEs in the creative industries.  It will cater for a range of ‘new’ technological services that could be made available for the region. 

It will also be a vibrant ‘destination of choice’ that inspires a digital community to connect, offering a range of services and a trusted technology ecosystem where clients can come to engage and co-curate new business solutions.