Homes as Power Stations

State-of-the-art design and energy efficiency technologies will be introduced to thousands of properties as part of the Homes as Power Stations project throughout the Swansea Bay City Region.

The pioneering project is aiming to facilitate the adoption of the Homes as Power Stations approach to integrate energy efficiency design and renewable technologies into the development of new build homes and retrofit programmes carried out by the public, private and third sectors. This will tackle fuel poverty while helping residents save money on their energy bills.

The Homes as Power Stations project aims to prove the concept in the public sector at a relatively small scale with the intention of then scaling up activity in other sectors across the Swansea Bay City Region. These will include private sector developers.

Homes as Power Stations aims to:

The project will be linked to other housing improvement programmes to optimise efficiency of delivery.  These include the Welsh Government’s Optimised Retrofit Programme (ORP) forming part of the Innovative Housing Programme, which will reduce the carbon footprint of existing social housing in Wales.

There will be a focus on developing a sustainable regional supply chain, monitoring and evaluation, skills development, an education and dissemination programme, and a financial incentive scheme. The project will share its findings via a knowledge sharing hub.

Homes as Power Stations will leave a legacy of skilled jobs in the Swansea Bay City Region, while mainstreaming the concept for roll-out elsewhere in Wales and the UK.

For more information about the HAPS project, please contact Oonagh Gavigan or Richard Lewis on