Pembroke Dock Marine

The £60 million Pembroke Dock Marine programme will place Pembrokeshire at the heart of global zero carbon marine energy innovation while also helping tackle climate change.

Pembroke Dock Marine will deliver the facilities, services and spaces needed to establish a world-class centre for marine engineering. Led by the private sector and supported by Pembrokeshire County Council, Pembroke Dock Marine is made up of four elements:

The programme is expected to generate £73.5 million a year to the regional economy.

As well as having application across other blue economy industries, Pembroke Dock Marine will create the right conditions for the marine energy industry to flourish as the UK moves towards net zero decarbonisation targets.

Pembroke Dock Marine’s drive to maximise innovation and operational efficiencies will seek to drive down the cost of marine energy, while acting as a foundation programme that will support the growth of new initiatives in the region.

As well as the Swansea Bay City Deal, Pembroke Dock Marine is also being part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.